McKay Wrenn grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina where he attended South Mecklenburg High School. In 2013 Wrenn helped guide the Sabres to State Championship.

Learn more about Wrenn below...

Born (City, ST - Year): Charlotte, NC 1994

College Attended: Louisburg CC, Appalachian state University

Hobbies Outside of Baseball: spending time with the family

Best Baseball Memory: Winning the 4A state championship

Most Memorable Moment with the Dirtbags: Coaching with my best friend Earl

Would Like to Trade Places for a Day with: Mookie Betts

Favorite Music: Rock n Roll

Favorite Baseball Website: MLB.TV

Favorite Baseball Movies): Sandlot

Favorite Actor: Adam Sandler

Favorite MLB Team: Red Sox

Favorite MLB Player: Nomar

Favorite Sports Figure: Barry Bonds

Best Player Played With: Harris Yett, Alex Bostic